Saturday, June 8, 2013

Strength in marriage

In our class discussion this week we have been talking about marriage and specifically how to strengthen marriage.  I want to share a few things from our discussions and I know if everyone can apply these ideas it will greatly benefit them. 
Newly married couples:  necessary adjustments in the 1st year of marriage.
  • Relationship boundaries
  • A patter for resolving conflict
  • Time management
  • Money management
  • Mutual decision making
  • Distribution of responsibilities
  • Lifestyle: Eating, sleeping
  • Social Circles
  • Physical intamacy
  • Family boundaries: time spent with extended family
  • Maintaining an individual identity
"Whatever Patterns you establish early in marriage will likely follow throughout the marriage."

Keeping a marriage strong:
In a study it was found the couples who had 10 areas of significant incompatibility were on their way to divorce.  And it was found that couples who reported satisfaction and strength in marriage also had 10 areas of significant incompatibility.  What was the difference between the happy couples and the unhappy couples? 
  • Those people with good marriages almost always have had to work really hard at it.
  • Couples should not compare their weaknesses with others' strengths.
  • Couples who say "Thank you" and show appreciation on a daily basis are closer and stronger.  This may be because:
    • You recognize more of what you appreciate about one another.
    • It creates a better home environment.
    • It gets rid of feelings of entitlement.
I encourage all to apply these principles and see how they effect their relationships.  I know you can heal any wounds if you work at it together.  Move forward with hope and faith.


  1. I have watched many marriages over the years, and believe all marriages take a great deal of work. Whenever you bring two different personalities with their individual experiences and expectations together is such a close relationship, a lot of work is required to achieve harmony. The things you have mentioned are important, but many are not achieved easily. It is important to pick the low hanging fruit (The ones that come easier to your companionship.) thus allowing you to build success upon success. For example being courteous as your have suggested, "saying please and thank you" can help build success and strength that can be used to help work through more challenging issues like money and finances.

    1. Thank you for your thoughts. I agree, it is definitely a step by step process, and it starts with foundational principles that can apply to all aspects of a marriage. I appreciate those insights. I know this is something I only have an opportunity to observe right now, but some day I hope to apply it.
