Saturday, June 15, 2013


I believe fidelity in marriage is extremely important to keep.  Marriage is a sacred promise to give your all to your spouse and no one else.  Infidelity breaks a trust that can rarely be re-built.  One of the reasons why I am all for strengthening fidelity in the marriage is because most infidelity leads to divorce which leads to broken families.  Another reason (probably the biggest) is that fidelity in marriage is a commandment from God.  God said, "Thou shalt love thy [spouse] with all they heart, and shalt cleave unto [them] and none else." (Doctrine & Covenants 42:22)
Now I want to discuss some ways to avoid infidelity in marriage.  One large influence is cohabiting, and it isn't positive. Many people have the false idea that cohabiting before marriage will strengthen a later marriage, but cohabitation has proven to show greater divorce rates, greater infidelity, and less trust. 
There are a few forms a infidelity, the one that seems to start them all is emotional fidelity.  Here are some questions you can ask yourself to evaluate your fidelity in marriage.
  • Am I turning to my friends/family for comfort rather than my spouse?
  • Do I seek opportunities to be with a friend even when school/work don't require it?
  • Do I compare my spouse to my friend?
  • Am I tempted to hide anything from my spouse?
Lastly, I want to end with a quote from Spencer W. Kimbal, "When the Lord says, all they heart, it allows for no sharing, nor dividing, nor depriving."  In marriage we need to remember the promises we have made and always be working to strengthen those bonds we have.  

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